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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Placenta Previa

Risk factors of Placenta Previa:
- Multi Parity
- Advanced age of Mother
- History of Multiple gestation.

Presentation: Placenta Previa presents with painless vaginal bleeding in the third trimester.

Diagnosis: Diagnosis of Placenta Previa is with ultrasound, which has accuracy of:
- 90% transabdominally
- 100% transvaginally

Attention: Pelvic exam is contraindicated as will/may increase the risk of bleeding.

Treatment of Placenta Previa:
- If the bleeding continues, C-section has to be done ASAP. Even if pregnancy is not term yet.
- If the mother is stable and fetus is at term, scheduled cesarean section is choice. However, until then Patient has to be monitored closely.
- If both mother and fetus are stable IM steroid are used to mature the lungs.
- Never do vaginal delivery, specially when it is complete placenta previa.
- If both mothe and fetus are OK and there is no more bleeding and mother has access to close hospital then she can be sent home and monitored at home until 36week, then schedule cesarean section. This is being done usually to let the fetus lungs get mature.

Attention: In cases of extended bleeding surgeon might discover A Placenta Accreta.

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