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Monday, September 17, 2007

How to Rule out Ectopic Pregnancy in Complete Abortion

If Sonogram does not show product of pregnancy neither in the uterus nor in the tubes, Ectopic Pregnancy should be ruled out.

- If Beta HCG is more than 1500 and Ultrasound is still negative, it is not EP (ectopic pregnancy)
- If Beta HCG is less than 1500 and ultrasound is negative, we can not rule out neither of those, so we need to follow-up both by sonogram and quantitative Beta HCG amounts, till Beta HCG is more than 1500 or goes down to zero.
- However if during the follow-up we see Beta HCG is rising but the doubling time is more than 48 hours (the speed of rising is less than normal), we should really challenge ectopic pregnancy (EP)

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